Our Vision

Our vision is to pursue the work of making disciples through fostering an environment in which everyone is taught to observe all that Christ has commanded in Scripture while growing in our faith that Christ is always with us.

Our Mission

Equipping one another to glorify God and to reveal His kingdom through making disciples who are learning to be in Christ, to become like Christ, and to do the work of Christ in our world.

Our Core Values

Worship Oriented: We believe that humanity’s purpose is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.
Family Gathered: We believe the Church is God’s family on earth who have been called out in order to be redeemed and to represent Him. We value gathering together on the Lord’s Day each week to worship and to equip one another for ministry.
Kingdom Focused: We believe that Christ is establishing His kingdom through His Church and that His kingdom is to be the first thing we seek together.
Christ Centered: We believe that Christ and Him crucified, raised, ascended, and currently reigning are central to the Christian faith and thus our lives.
Spirit Filled: We believe that we cannot accomplish the purposes of Christ in our lives unless we are filled with the Holy Spirit and anointed for regeneration and for power to minister in this world.
Scripture Engaged: We believe that doctrine is formed from Scripture alone. It is the very Word of God inspired by the Holy Spirit. It is the foundational teachings of the Apostles and Prophets. Each of us must engage Scripture in order to grow to maturity in Christ.
Broken Restored: We believe that everyone is broken because of sin but Christ has offered one path through His life, death, burial, and resurrection for us to be forgiven of our sins, set free from bondage to death, and restored to new life in Him.
Church Equipped: We are equipped for the work Christ has for us through the Spirit-lead ministries and gifts of one another.
Mission Sent: Christ has sent us into this world on His authority to disciple, baptize, and teach all people.
Confessional: As part of the Church of Jesus throughout all ages made up of both the living and dead in Christ, we affirm the classic creeds of the faith as well as the Philadelphia Confession (1742) which help us remain faithful to the teachings of Scripture.